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God Fights Your Battles

This post comes from Joshua 10. Cliff Notes version: The Israelites have walked into the land that was promised to them. The people are aware that a living God comes with Israel and the Gibeonites have struck a deal with the Israelites for protection. The 5 Amorite Kings unite in hopes of defeating Israel by attacking Gibeon. The Gibeonites come ask for help and (Joshua 10:8) The Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be able to withstand you.” God begins to fight for Israel by throwing the Amorites into a panic (they ran away) and a hail storm took out anyone not struck down by sword. Joshua realized they were running out of time and commanded the sun to stand still and from God through Joshua, it happens! (Which from my husband's research means the Earth slowed considerably which means they should have FLOWN off the planet from the sheer gravity of it. Much like slamming on the brakes in a car. There are documents in ancient history that supports the fact that the earth slowed because ancient civilization wrote of the longest day of all time.) The sun did not set until the battle was won. Joshua 10:14 states: "There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!"

We (God's children) have been invited to be in community with God (explained in this video and this video) We've been called to have a similar relationship with him as Israel. For him to fight for us, to defend us, and to win our battles before we've even fought.

An example of this comes from me and my husband's testimony of provision. I've spoken of it before (here) but I'll give a quick recap to illustrate this concept. We got to a point where we had run out of money and could not longer afford rent at our home. We had no money, resources, or skill to resolve our situation. Around that time, a close friend of ours had an open house that she offered us to stay in, free of charge except for yard and house maintenance, until her daughter sold her own home and needed it. Shortly after we moved in, my dad had a vision of a cabin he felt like God wanted him to build (he is a retired contractor, painter, handyman extraordinaire) for future ministry reasons. It would be on the land we share so we decided to go halves on it and all of us live there until we could build our dream homes. Jarrod and I had $500 to our names and started with the faith that more would come. In the meantime, God laid it on several people's hearts to help finance the project and other people's hearts to lend a helping hand in the building process (we never asked anyone, God did all the prompting). God had laid this whole thing out ahead of time for us! We worked hard and helped as much as we could but we could clearly tell that God was fighting our battle. We had nothing. No skills. And no ideas. Now we are living in the house God built for us and hope someday we can use it to help others.

When we don't have the strength to ask for help, it is beneficial to go to someone who has seen many victories. Going to someone more experienced provides encouragement, advice, and help along the way. An example comes from Joshua 10:24, 25: "When they had brought these kings to Joshua, he summoned all the men of Israel and said to the army commanders who had come with him, “Come here and put your feet on the necks of these kings.” So they came forward and placed their feet on their necks. 25 Joshua said to them, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous. This is what the Lord will do to all the enemies you are going to fight.” 26 Then Joshua put the kings to death and exposed their bodies on five poles, and they were left hanging on the poles until evening." Someone who has a greater intimacy with Jesus can help call you back into that same relationship. He/she can show you how to (symbolically) step on the neck of your "enemies".

I'm going to steal something a friend said at FCA: "If you knew you were going to win, would you live differently?" If you knew you were going to win a game, wouldn't you play? It is no different than our lives with God on our side. We win! We've won! YAHTZEE! The end! Live your life as if you've won! Go into circumstances with boldness and courage provided by the Holy Spirit in you. Ask for his guidance and presence before you enter any room and the game has been won. That doesn't mean you'll actually, literally win everything - the lottery, state championships, bull riding competitions - but it does mean God's light can shine through you and pierce the darkness in every situation if you let it.

I'm praying for God's light to shine through each one of you. That when you walk into a room people notice the light and peace you bring. For you to be an encouraging force and to show love to all who come in contact with you!


  1. I so vividly remember living on a few hundred dollars. At the time, it seemed like our greatest option was a $600 single wide crack trailer. They say if you smell cat urine in a house that it could have possibly been used for methanphetamine production. Good thing the smell of dead animals in that house masked those fears. I am still humbled by what he worked out in this portion of our story. I think we would have been fine with that old crack den (even though it wasn't structurally sound). But... I'm blown away by what He brought us into. He even did it in a way that prevented us from ever claiming that our blessings came through our hard work and determination. I think you were right. This moment in our lives best communicates how God fights for, and calls his people into greater things. As always... love this post


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