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Showing posts from July, 2015

The Fall of Jericho

Our church spent the past week discussing, praying about, and studying Joshua 6. We spend several nights, meetings, dinners, and lunches mulling over what God is saying through each passage. For me, this passage was a little dry - mostly full of instructions and the carrying out of those instructions - but after my husband's sermon on Sunday, God squeezed the juice out for us to "drink". Joshua 6 tells the story of the destruction of Jericho by way of Joshua, the army, the priests, and the ark marching around the walls that hid the city. For a long time, no one was allowed in and no one was allowed out. Because of their inability to go in or out - being handicapped by fear - there was no spirit left in them - no fight left. The army with Joshua was instructed to march around the walls once daily for 6 days and on the 7th day to walk 7 times, shout as loudly as possible, and the walls would fall down. After the walls fell, Joshua sent a special ops team to retrieve Raha...

2-->1 Sided

This is my first attempt at posting a weekly synopsis of the sermon preached at our church(should I submit "praught" to the dictionary as being the past tense of preach?). I'd like to keep current information flowing through my blog instead of posting revelations as they come. We don't have internet at home yet because technology and Internet companies stink sometimes for people who live in the boonies so I will try my very hardest to post weekly based on our visits to town. This week my husband *praught* on Joshua 5. We have been working our way through the book of Joshua and Joshua's journey to the Promised Land. My husband has an unusual connection to Joshua and the transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua, so it's been really interesting to listen to him and my dad and Pastor Jim preach their way through this book. (If you want more on this, please email my husband at Their knowledge and wisdom of this book and the connect...