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Showing posts from September, 2015

Moving Forward

Wouldn't it be fun to go back and live life knowing what you know now? To experience life a second time, knowing the end and that everything turned out just fine? Well, we can't go back. So let's go FORWARD knowing we will be victorious through God! Let's move forward knowing that we come out better, stronger, healthier people! Live your life with joy in the Lord and enthusiasm in who he's made you to be. Get excited about the daily grind and consider it a blessing. Each day is a day you won't get back and get to relive, so live like it matters. Get excited about God's purpose and timing because it is perfect!

Be The "Yes!" Man

Remember that time you looked back over your life and wondered, "what if?". Remember when you tried to picture how your life could have been if you'd made a different choice? I have lots of those times...not necessarily in regret but in pure wonderment. I try to imagine what type of person I'd be, what kind of job I'd have, and what my life would be like in general if I had chosen differently at crucial times in my life. I am in all ways grateful for what I did choose but I still can't help but think about it (let me clarify here by saying I have made bad choices in life, I just don't feel regret over my big decisions). However, I do know plenty of people who have regrets...who wish they'd chosen differently. For these people, this post might be beneficial to read. Last Sunday, our church did something special and different. In celebration of our brothers in Christ (Church of the Nazarene), we showed up for their 75th anniversary to surprise them and...

Kick 'Em Out!

Jarrod and I like to attend these pastor conferences in the city about once a year. A couple years ago, the pastor of the church felt like his son had a word from God for the people in attendance. His son was in his mid-teens and stood awkwardly at the front with a Bible wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and converse shoes. He timidly relayed the message God gave him and we could all feel the anointing on him but knew he had some growing to do (don’t we all?!). Now let’s fast forward a couple years to this last weekend at the youth conference. This young boy, who so timidly spoke years ago as an emerging pastor, has now come fully into his gifting as an adult. He stood up at the front with a presence of God’s power and a witty, dynamic personality. He held the audience captive for his humorous stories and powerful words from God. It is easy to see he is OWNING his gift. He’s taken possession of what God has given him and is walking fully in it as a confident, Spirit filled speaker. It isn’t ha...

Victory in the Community and Beyond

I have to give a shout out to my husband for helping me write this one. He gave me the story at the beginning of this post and edited some of the rough spots in my writing. I'm so blessed to have this man in my life and am grateful for all he does for me... It’s a Thursday morning and to most people this day will begin and end without any pomp or circumstance. Most people are currently taking their children to school, arriving early to work, dragging themselves out of bed etc. But the Pastors of Stephenville, TX have arrived early for the National Day of Prayer. This year, it is Grace Fellowship Church’s (our church) job to open the National Day of Prayer, in prayer, and introduce the Mayor of Stephenville. Something is different about today. On most National DOPs, a city official will nervously step out on the front steps of the county courthouse and declare the start to the National DOP. This day is different because God will win a major victory today, in my city, and I will b...

Seek Love, Not Revenge

I found this verse and wanted to share it: Leviticus 19:18 Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against a fellow Israelite, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord I've talked a lot about the message of love throughout the Bible and I also wrote about forgiveness but I just wanted to give a friendly reminder to my readers to always forgive, never to seek revenge, and to ask God to help you find love for everyone you encounter. Ask him to help you see his children as he does and love others no matter how they treat you. Be nice! Be understanding! Be patient! Be compassionate! And be LOVING!

Lust Becomes Love (Joshua 11)

I couldn't find a picture like the one I drew in my notes, so I've graced you with my limited art skills below (LOL): You'd be surprised but Joshua 11 is actually a love story. It's CRAZY to see it that way with all the fighting, killing, and war but if you know God and the Holy Spirit and ask him to help you see it, its there. Read Joshua 11 HERE The arrogance of the kings mentioned in 11 brought annihilation on their people. By cursing God's people (Israel), they brought curses on themselves. God fought for Israel in the south and when the others found out this was happening they charged toward the Israelis (like a moth to a flame) and drove themselves into destruction. Joshua 6: Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them. By this time tomorrow I will hand all of them over to Israel as dead men. Then you must cripple their horses and burn their chariots.” And then Joshua 16-20: So Joshua conquered the entire region—the hill country, the entire Neg...