After I quit my full-time teaching job a couple years ago, I knew, financially, that I would need another job to help pay bills. I looked and applied for a couple months with no luck. We prayed about whether I should keep searching or not and we felt like God was saying not to. He wanted me to be with my husband full-time in the ministry. That was unfathomable to me because I have a degree, a skill set, and a desire to work but God wanted me to step out of my comfortable box and live a life dependent on Him. I’m not going to say it was all butterflies and flowers - there were months I felt tempted to get a job and pay for things we couldn’t afford, but God said not to and he repeatedly provided for our every need. Three years later, I was living a dependent life on God and not looking for a job when one fell into my path that seemed too good to be true. I didn’t want to assume this opportunity was for me and force my way into a job (plus, I was kind of enjoying not “working”), so we p...