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Showing posts from February, 2017

His Light is Our Strength

Have the last 2 months been crazy hectic, or is that just me?? My goodness, with the post holiday wind-down, the dawn of a new semester, taking on more classes, and being sick with allergies, I have been RUN DOWN. My laundry piled up, the dishes sat dirty and dinner was served late more than I'd like to admit. It was easy to see that crumbling of my physical life was a reflection of distraction in my spiritual life. I had shifted my focus away from spending intentional time with Jesus to juggling the chaos of everyday life in my own strength. As I looked around, I could easily see the effects of not being renewed each day by his light and love. I needed a reboot. Desperately. My new schedule doesn't allow much morning time to soak in his presence, but I do get two 30 minute breaks throughout my work day. In those 30 minute breaks, I've sought God as my refuge amidst the stress and chaos associated with a new semester. He gives me energy and strength to finish the day and ...