My dad and I have been working together for a long time, illustrating his sermons with words and pictures in a way that others may understand. I remember being a little girl and helping my dad at this new found contraption called a computer by using words, shapes, and clip art to articulate what God was telling him. I think its kind of funny that as an adult, I sort of do the same thing for my husband in the form of a blog. He hears from God, I listen through a God filter and try to write, in more simple terms, what his sermon means in the form of a blog post. I add pictures to my posts, not to make my posts more appealing (although it helps), but to help the reader's brain connect what the meaning behind the words is. It might be part of my might be a learned habit.
We've learned from science that DNA stores biological information and is passed from adults to their offspring. Basically, the average person knows that DNA comes from our parents and it's what makes us similar to them. Likewise, we share DNA with Jesus whom shares DNA with God. Since Christians share DNA with Jesus, we all share DNA as a culture - which makes us brothers and sisters in Christ.
Ephesians 1:5 states:
Our DNA as a culture is what makes us,! The make up of this DNA is as follows:
1. We emphatically believe in enjoying God enjoying us in our community of faith.
Have Fun!!! God loves for you to enjoy life! It's fun for him to watch you having fun!
2. We value the revelatory process, both written and otherwise revealed.
Listen and hear God through whatever viable channel (scripture, song, feeling, audible, etc) and VALUE it! Don't brush off what you hear as commonplace; grab hold of it and follow what he's telling you!
3. We acknowledge that every believer has equal access to Christ, but we actively seek out authority figures who are under authority.
Submission to authority is HEALTHY! Everyone answers to someone - the highest authority on Earth who seemingly answers to no one, answers to God. As you walk out your life, know that God is and will be dealing with your authority. It's YOUR job to trust, submit, and honor them to the best of your ability.
4. We honor courageous obedience.
Be bold. Be strong. Be courageous. Be correctable (I had to add this because if in your boldness you do the wrong thing, we are open to correction).
5. We interpret life and scriptures with...get this...CHRISTO-CENTRIC HERMENEUTIC! (Boom!!!)
We have a CHRIST CENTERED outlook on life.
6. We LOVE achieving harmony in our body, soul and spirit through surrender to the Holy Spirit.
We LET God sing over us by waving the white flag of surrender to ourselves and temptation.
7. We are willing to fight for ever believer's right to experience freedom to hear and want to do the will of God.
Freedom reigns! Break the chains of sin and live free!
And lastly:
8. We count on the source of all resources to provide the needed kingdom wealth.
God will provide. His kingdom on Earth will be funded by him through the people who serve him. Because HE OWNS IT ALL!
We've learned from science that DNA stores biological information and is passed from adults to their offspring. Basically, the average person knows that DNA comes from our parents and it's what makes us similar to them. Likewise, we share DNA with Jesus whom shares DNA with God. Since Christians share DNA with Jesus, we all share DNA as a culture - which makes us brothers and sisters in Christ.
Ephesians 1:5 states:
God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do and it gave him great pleasure.
Our DNA as a culture is what makes us,! The make up of this DNA is as follows:
1. We emphatically believe in enjoying God enjoying us in our community of faith.
Have Fun!!! God loves for you to enjoy life! It's fun for him to watch you having fun!
2. We value the revelatory process, both written and otherwise revealed.
Listen and hear God through whatever viable channel (scripture, song, feeling, audible, etc) and VALUE it! Don't brush off what you hear as commonplace; grab hold of it and follow what he's telling you!
3. We acknowledge that every believer has equal access to Christ, but we actively seek out authority figures who are under authority.
Submission to authority is HEALTHY! Everyone answers to someone - the highest authority on Earth who seemingly answers to no one, answers to God. As you walk out your life, know that God is and will be dealing with your authority. It's YOUR job to trust, submit, and honor them to the best of your ability.
4. We honor courageous obedience.
Be bold. Be strong. Be courageous. Be correctable (I had to add this because if in your boldness you do the wrong thing, we are open to correction).
5. We interpret life and scriptures with...get this...CHRISTO-CENTRIC HERMENEUTIC! (Boom!!!)
We have a CHRIST CENTERED outlook on life.
6. We LOVE achieving harmony in our body, soul and spirit through surrender to the Holy Spirit.
We LET God sing over us by waving the white flag of surrender to ourselves and temptation.
7. We are willing to fight for ever believer's right to experience freedom to hear and want to do the will of God.
Freedom reigns! Break the chains of sin and live free!
And lastly:
8. We count on the source of all resources to provide the needed kingdom wealth.
God will provide. His kingdom on Earth will be funded by him through the people who serve him. Because HE OWNS IT ALL!
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