God wants you to know that everyone is capable of cleaning a room. That means you don't have to be a pastor, pastor's wife, youth minister, youth minister's wife, worship leader, or teacher to clean up a mess. Every. Single. Christian has access to the broom and furniture-mover named God. We all have equal access to the Holy Spirit but not everyone is open to what the Holy Spirit has to say - and that is the limiting factor to being a living vessel for God.
As children of God, we have access to two realms: Earth and the Spirit Realm (the dwelling of the Trinity). It's up to you which realm you choose to live in/by. You can be ruled by the flesh (things of this Earth like material things, anger, control, self-centeredness, self-gratitude, chaos, arrogance, anxiety) or you can be ruled by the Spirit (the fruit of whom is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control). It's a very fine line that we as Earth dwellers walk every single day, all day. The only way not to cross the line into a flesh driven world is to constantly be in communication and relationship with the Holy Spirit. We have to make choices based on prayer and we need to ask God to speak through us so that the fruit of the Spirit remains in our wake. If you cross the line into the flesh driven world don't worry, He is faithful to convict us of the crossover and leads us back into his company - usually through confession and repentance, He rights your wrongs and you walk back over the line to continue your relationship. We all make mistakes and fall off track but we all can CHOOSE to follow him in getting back on track.
If you've shut the door to certain "rooms" in your heart that you don't want God to have access to, please open your heart to what the Holy Spirit is saying and open your eyes to the truth. If this is foreign to you, take some time out of your day to pray and ask God to speak. It may get messy in the middle and feel like He is exposing your dirty laundry but the finished product will be worth the vulnerability. Trust me, you'll love your clean "room" when you're finished.
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