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I Am A Child of God

When I was little, my family lived in a big 2 story house in town. It was an old farmhouse with no central heat or air and I loved it. Every day was an adventure and there was more than enough room for our family of 6 and anyone else who wanted to stay.

At night, I'd read my Bible and say goodnight to my parents (I was downstairs in a room across from them). As soon as I'd turn off the lights and get in my bed a large yellow eyeball would appear in front of me and float around in the air. It still scares me just to think about it. It literally makes me cringe. 

For the first couple nights, I thought, "I'm just going imagination is too wild and its not real." After a while of seeing this scary eyeball I started to worry. If I had a friend over, I'd ask if they could see it and one said she could so I knew it wasn't my imagination. I obviously knew it wasn't a REAL eyeball but I knew something wasn't right and I decided it was safe to tell my parents.

One night before my mom tucked me in I told her about it and told her it really scared me. She said to me, "when you see it tonight I want you to say 'I am a child of God and the evil one WILL NOT hurt me.' And then say 'Jesus' over and over out loud if you still feel scared."

The lights went out, the eyeball appeared, and I recanted what my mom said. And it worked! The yellow eyeball disappeared! I felt so good and safe to know that Jesus was there for me and made this evil spirit leave. Saying those words is something I've carried with me into adulthood and I'm super grateful my parents taught me how to get closer to my Heavenly Father.

If you find yourself not able to say the words, have someone else pray for you. The other night I had some really scary pictures pop into my mind so I asked my husband to pray for me - he did, the evil disappeared, and I slept soundly all night. 

If what you are seeing or feeling is bigger than what you or someone close to you can handle, meet with a pastor or someone in authority in your church to pray with them.

Evil can come in different forms and you never know when you will come in contact with it. Most people can feel the shift in atmosphere when something evil lurks, or you might actually see something like I did. When this happens speak God's holy name and proclaim His power over the evil one. Don't live your life with evil walking beside you; acknowledge who your Father is and let his light shine on you.


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