Our battle is a little more subtle than that of a soldier going into combat but the premise is the same. There's a bad guy, a good guy, a strategy and weapons to fight. A Christian might battle against things like subtle manipulation, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, hatred, slander, deceit, or rebellion. To fight this battle, we cannot defend from evil with the same weapons they wield; our only chance to win is with weapons of greater caliber which are:
- a belt of truth
- a breastplate of righteousness
- feet with the gospel of peace
- the shield of faith
- a helmet of salvation
- and a sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
These weapons of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation and the word of God are strong enough to defend any evil that attempt to enter your mind, soul, and heart. (Your weapons become more powerful as your relationship with God strengthens.) The ammunition of these weapons is love, courage, tenacity, worship, optimism, hope, faith and joy. Go to God and get equipped with the correct weapons. Ask him to rid you of the wrong weapons, the weaker weapons, and to replace them with something stronger and more resilient. The armor of God will have a bigger impact with less damage and no mess to clean up. Now go get your weapons and get ready to fight!
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