I’m writing this post to offer you a sneak peek into a pastor and his wife’s life. There’s not exactly a job description lined out or a person that my husband has to answer daily like a normal boss so figuring a daily agenda out takes prayer and a little trial and error. I have to admit, at first we had no idea what we were supposed to be doing on a daily basis. And I have to admit that even now sometimes we wonder what we should be doing or if we should be doing more. Making a video together for my Facebook page. As part of my calling, I’m very involved in my husband’s ministry. We act as one unit and most people are not used to that because typically, the pastor acts as a single unit that takes care of all his duties alone. In our case, we are called to work together and we do that the best we know how as a single organism with one mind and shared heart. Our uniqueness and oneness often times puts us in a box all by ourselves but we have each other and have become stro...