I've talked about God's redeeming love in almost every one of my posts so I feel like I can talk shorthand with y'all on this one. The quick synopsis is:
I'm challenging you to spread God's love. As a child of God, you've been forgiven, set free and are a vessel of God's love. God's love is so big that it can be spread to an infinite number of people - it won't run out. Please take the love you've been given and make it contagious. Show love in the form of patience, compassion, understanding and compromise. No, don't compromise your belief or morals; compromise your agendas, mindset and motivations over to what GOD wants. Truly loving someone doesn't mean that you bend to sin or become what the other person is; true love means you love EVERYONE through God's eyes and with the patience and understanding he grants YOU.
As God's children, we are called to fight wrongdoings through the power of love. Ask God to help you be a shepherd that brings the lost in through love, gentle guidance and understanding. Welcome the lost with open arms and thanksgiving. Open the vessel of love and pour it out on every living thing.
No matter what you did, what you're going to do or what you're thinking about doing, God forgives. With his forgiveness, he brings love and generous redemption (Psalm 130). His love is all consuming and runs so deep that when he's truly allowed into your life, it changes you.All over the news, social media and every day events I see hate and anger. I see love too, but the anger consumes the lion share of "news". It's almost as if hate and anger is like a virus that keeps spreading.

As God's children, we are called to fight wrongdoings through the power of love. Ask God to help you be a shepherd that brings the lost in through love, gentle guidance and understanding. Welcome the lost with open arms and thanksgiving. Open the vessel of love and pour it out on every living thing.
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