Man, can you believe some of the stories we hear on the news?
It’s crazy to believe that these are true stories that are happening on our
home turf. My heart is saddened by the way people are treated. It’s not only in
the planned attacks against our police, the LGBT community, Christians, and our
government officials, but also on social media, over the phone or the grocery
store parking lot. Sure, acts of kindness are shown too. We have the “pay it
forward” movement at the coffee shop, a chivalrous young man holding the door
open for a woman, the kind stranger helping to find a lost item and so on. However,
it’s the acts of hatred that rest heavy on my heart and the hearts of the rest
of God’s people.
Across the nation, God’s people are coming together as one
and sharing His vision of transformation. It is a transformation accomplished
through the power of His love. He wants to start a movement that transplants the
hearts of wicked with a new and pure heart that beats with love, peace and joy.
The transformation will one day find its full affect nationwide but today it
grows in the backwoods, backwaters, and back alleys of small towns. It is
stirring within the hearts of Holy Spirit filled people that live with an
awareness to this call. The Spirit affects the people that affect the towns that
affect every living thing around. The love of God will spread like a virus from
one willing host to the next. Our question was: how do we impact our city by
being two normal people that follow God the best we can?
THIS, I believe, is one way our nation will
be transformed. We, the people of peace, will spread love and joy sourced by
the one true God to EVERYONE around us. The fragrance of hope and peace will be
left in our wake as we live our daily lives with His guidance and power.
1 Thessalonians 1:4,5 – We know, dear
brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be his own
people. For when we brought you the Good News, it was not only with words but
also with power, for the Holy Spirit gave your full assurance that what we said
was true.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, you felt
the pull towards trusting in Jesus as your savior and said yes to his proposal
to be his. He chose you and you said yes. You said yes because you know in your
heart that Jesus is real and that you couldn’t walk away from the offer of
eternal life with him.
Just be.
1 Thessalonians 1:6,7 – So you received the
message with joy from the Holy Spirit in spite of severe suffering it brought
you. In this way, you imitated both us and the Lord. As a result, you have
become an example to all believers….
The Holy Spirit living within you and by
the power of your Lord Jesus in Heaven, you have the privilege to walk in his
love and be who he created you to be – operating in your gifting and allowing
the Holy Spirit to be a living water within your and flowing from you.
God is our reputation.
1 Thessalonians 1:8, 9 – And now the word
of the Lord is ringing out from you to people everywhere, even beyond Macedonia
and Achaia, for wherever you go we find people telling us about your faith in
God. We don’t need to tell them about it, for they keep talking about the
wonderful welcome you gave us and how you turned away from idols to serve the
living and true God.
We are, and live among, people of peace.
These people carry the character of God and the fragrance of the Holy Spirit
with them. When they walk up, they don’t even have to talk about Jesus for you
to know whom they serve. The words they speak and the essence of their being
speaks of God’s love and they spread it to those around them. People of peace
don’t “spout scriptures” (although the Word is a living part of their lives), they
don’t bop you on the head with a Bible or shame you for doing something wrong.
People of peace leave you with the Joy of the Lord and flood your spirit with the
substance of heaven: love and joy. God’s reputation precedes them and follows
them as they walk out their naturally supernatural lives with the Holy Spirit.
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