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My Creepy iPad Shows Love

Creepy iPad and keyboard
I walked into my bedroom to work on my computer, thinking about what I might want to write about. I’ve had a rough couple days for no particular reason so I was trying to tie that in to a topic for the blog. After the 300th time of trying to get my wireless keyboard to connect to my computer, I have to admit I got a little heated over the matter. I stormed out of my bedroom, slammed the door for effect and at that very moment, my iPad turned on and randomly started playing “What is Love?” It stopped me in my tracks. It’s a song from the 80/90s, but it is a song I grew up on and remember fondly from skating rink days. I immediately grabbed the iPad and started dancing (ridiculously) in the living room and laughing so hard it hurt. The title of the song and the timing of it turning on without my permission are not lost on me. I love how God works. He reminds us in the most unique ways of his presence and how small our problems are. Did I mention that I don’t even have music on my iPad? Yeah…figure that out.

God took such a fun way to remind me that he’s always there, he loves us and he’s got all the loose ends and chaos under control. He’s the creator and master of every thing. EVERY. THING. He’s the God that makes money show up in your mailbox. He’s the God that sends someone to pay the bill you can’t afford. He’s the God that builds you a house while you sleep. He’s the God that sends rain to nurture the plants that feed you. He’s the God that sent mana from the sky to feed the Israelites. He’s the God of all gods. He’s the God that makes a song about love turn on randomly and puts a smile on your face. He’s a God bigger than anything you experience and the God that brings you through suffering, NOT to make you suffer further by living with the memories but to victoriously shape you into a person of purpose, love and hope. He gives you a hope not of maybe someday things turning out but a hope that comes from unshakable faith that God brings us through suffering and chaos every. single. time. So what gets us through the challenging times? Just remember the song that played on my creepy iPad: “What is Love?”…it’s not even a Christian song but the reminder of love was enough to carry me straight out of my crappy mood into a happy, dancing mood. I love his love; his love carries us from the valleys up to the mountains of life. Remember that and carry it as you experience life.


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