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Showing posts from November, 2016

Our Hopes; God's Plans

God sure has been saying a lot and saying it clearly to me lately in my time set aside for him.The peace I feel throughout each day comes from time spent resting in his presence and listening to his plans and hopes. He told me today that my hopes and his plans are very closely aligned. He said I've lived a life walking closely to him, and the things I dream about and hope for are the things he plans for me to have. Going into my day knowing that certainly changes the way I view the day that unfolds. The small hardships or harsh words that used to crumble me are brushed away with the knowledge that God is pleased with me. The distractions of life are pushed aside as I remember the plans he has for me. I'm telling you, it's a different quality of life than the one of worry and anxiety I used to live. This little guy is one of my dreams come true. There is an indescribable feeling of fulfillment that comes from experiencing his love and hearing his thoughts about me an...

Election Day!

We voted! I love the anticipation of finding out who will preside over our country! I would imagine being president is one of the hardest jobs on the planet, yet we manage to find one every 4-8 years that is willing to take on the sacrifices of a country leader. I may not always agree with our president, but no matter who it is, I hold a great deal of respect for someone willing to step into that position of authority. It is, after all, essentially the greatest authority we have on Earth as Americans. I can find rest in who America chooses because while he/she is the greatest authority in our country, God still remains the greatest authority over the entire universe. Worrying about things that are out of our control would be like preparing for a test we are never going to's pointless. Faithfully praying, without worry, on the other hand, is certainly recommended in times when big decision are being made that affect many people for years. God has been teaching me t...

Abusive or Incredible Authority: God Always Wins

Why is it that employees often think they know how to do the boss' job better than the boss does? I always wonder, "is it arrogance? is it perspective? is it just plain stupidity?" No matter the reason, this is an age old problem that plagues people of all ages. Kids think their parents don't know anything. Students think their teachers are stupid. Employees think their bosses are jerks. Wives think husbands are selfish. Husbands think wives are annoying. The list goes on but the problem remains: a lot of people have problems respecting authority. Maybe the lack of respect comes from an abusive experience. Perhaps you think you're justified in your defiance because of the way you were treated. Again, either way, the problem remains: a lot of people have problems respecting authority. Authority can be a tricky thing to recognize, especially when you place yourself above authority in your own mind because they're younger than you, dumber than you, not as exper...