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Showing posts from May, 2017

On a Mission.

It’s my passion to share the word of God to anyone willing to listen. From the conception of this website, I’ve tried to focus on the teaching stand point of sharing how God can be present in YOUR life. After a couple months of barely posting, mostly praying and trying to catch up, I’ve decided to write the blog from a more personal stand point of what God is doing in my life: the “preacher’s wife” portion of who I am. I am a full-time preacher’s wife and teacher; however, my employment as a teacher is only part-time. I consider myself a full-time teacher because it is a major part of my gift package from God. Even when I wasn’t teaching anywhere, I found myself seeking people out to help, tutor or guide. It is part of who I am and a passion I can’t ignore. Learning new strategies for the classroom An outlet for my passion of teaching is to work as a developmental math teacher for a junior college. What is developmental math, you say? It’s the class students take when the...

Cleaning Up the Inside

You know when you go to the cabinet and pull out a cup? It looks clean, but then you look inside and realize it's dirty. My guess is you throw back into the sink or dishwasher to clean it up properly. Jesus addresses this issue with the Pharisees in Luke 11:37-41 . They get upset with Jesus when he comes to dinner because he didn't wash his hands like the rest of them. Jesus rebukes them saying "you Pharisees are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy..." He also points out that God made the inside as well as the outside, and he encourages them to clean both. So, what does a "dirty cup" look like in us? When we are dirty on this inside, the fruit produced is not from God. The filth might come out in the form of greed, doubt, blame, victimization, anger, anxiety, depression, hatred, worthlessness, shame, etc. When you notice this fruit in your life, be alerted to the fact that you need a Jesus bath. A clean c...