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Where Have My Posts Been?

In recent months, I have switched my regular posting to Instagram. There’s not a huge reason for the switch other than the fact that it is easier and more convenient.

Since the switch, I’ve been posting short and sweet posts every day. If you’d like to stay updated on the every day life of this preacher’s wife, follow @preacherswife_jessica.

I’m not abandoing this avenue of posting completely, but I will post more rarely here. A lot has changed over the summer and I may not have the time required to keep up with my normal weekly posts on this website. I am, however, still posting on instragram regularly.

So what has changed? I got a new responsibility at work that I am very excited about! I’ll be the community college liaison with the high school math teachers for our College Prep course. I know it will be hard work but I think I’m well suited to meet the needs of the schools we partner with.

I’m also going back to school! I’ll be starting a masters degree in the fall so that I can have the credentials to teach college level math. Right now I’m teaching the developmental math classes and while that doesn’t bother me because I LOVE my students, it is a rather limited job description. Furthering my education will allow me to teach a wider range of classes and I’ll be able to learn more about my trade. The latter of which is what I’m most excited about!

While I’m nervous to go back to school when I’ve been out for so long, I am ready to dive deeper into the world of teaching and become better at something I really love.

I battled with going back to school, because I know that I am good enough in God’s eyes and I know miraculous things are possible through him. I wanted to make sure that my desire to go back to school was not based on a fear of losing my job or not being good enough, but for a desire to go where God wants to take me. After a year of prayer and research, I feel confident that I’ve chosen the school and degree suited to what my passion is and that I’m doing something that pleases God.

The internal struggle came from wanting a clear direction from God to say “thou shalt go to school!” When that word never came I realized that just because God didn’t command me to do something doesn’t mean I can’t take a leap of faith in a direction and see how God uses it. I know if he DIDN’T want me to go, that he would warn me. Since he didn’t warn me, I am sure he wants to use my new adventure to teach me new things.

God uses all kinds of avenues to teach and bless us. He never wants to harm or trick us into something that won’t glorify him. I am ready and willing to go wherever he leads me!


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