It always surprises me how often God answers our cry for help. It's almost embarrassing how small he makes our troubles seem with his solutions; He's the God of creative answers and extravagant gifts.
Tornado threat that dissipated into heavy rain, thunder and lightning. |
My husband and I experience his mercy every single day. We've experienced his tiny mercies every day and even big mercies that we never imagined. They range from lifting the threat of tornadoes in our area to providing a home for us free of debt. The common thread among his mercies is the desperation we express for more of Him in our time of need but also in our time of thanksgiving. His mercy is not exclusive to tragic desperation but inclusive of being desperately grateful for all he has done. He showers us with love and provision when we are in fear and when we are thriving. I love how he gives without conditions or strings. He just gives and loves because he wants to.
Cry Out, Refocus, Revelation, Repeat |
The Psalms of Ascent demonstrate somewhat of a dance or the structure of a song: one will be of complaint, the next will be of the lifting of their eyes to God, and the third is of revelation that comes from shifting their focus back on him. Rinse and repeat. Psalm 123 is that of the second verse, or step in the dance, where the Jews are lifting their eyes to God and asking for mercy from those who expressed contempt towards them. (Contempt means disregard for one's beliefs).
You may be experiencing contempt from those around you, contempt from the evil one, desperation in your time of need, or desperation for any kind of joy in your life. No matter what it is, shift your cries away from people around you and lift them to the only one who can fix it - Jesus. Cry out to him and beg him for mercy. Ask for revelation, for a different perspective or change of heart. Whatever it is you need, cry out to him and express your true feelings on the honest and break down walls around your heart or mind so you can hear him. He will answer...the timing of the solution might not be what you expect (too soon or too late) but it will be perfect and right. Listen and let him guide as your life, body, soul, heart and mind realign with what God wants AND what you NEED. It'll be life changing, whatever it is so get to it! Go! Talk with Jesus and experience his mercy in your life.
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