By now you know I am a preacher's wife (thus the website name) and part of being a preacher's wife is taking on part of the ministry. As a preacher's wife, I know the burden my husband shoulders and that he deals with a lot more issues than ever come to my attention; he does an outstanding job of praying for people and checking on people. So much so that he's rarely off the phone, whether it be talking, texting, or Facebook messaging. I always joke and say I get the fun half of the job and he gets the hard part of the job. I get to do all the socializing, coffee dates, wedding/baby showers, and chit chatting while he deals with a lot of spiritual warfare and barely has any time for the fun stuff (although, I think he considers that fun...go figure).
Since "preacher's wife" isn't exactly a paying job, I get the immense opportunity to teach part time at a community college. I consider this job a 100% blessing because the people are great, the students are awesome, the school works with the hours I can give, and I get to practice my gifting. I also get the privilege to tutor local students in the area in my off hours. Most students need help after school so after I teach all day, I tutor all evening. I feel blessed to have the work and even more blessed to be paid to do something I love; however, it can be a little draining from working all day, all evening, and going to church events after that.
Spring is always a "blooming" time when students are trying to improve their grades, people are planning more parties, almost everyone is trying to get fit or back on the right track after the post-holiday blues. All of this equates to a fantastic field of work for my husband and I. All the running around and planning leaves us a little burnt out and tired. No matter how much sleep we get or what we eat, we still drag at the end of the day to get things done.
The ONLY way for us to get filled back up is through prayer to Jesus. We HAVE to take time to sit and soak in God's presence; to get filled up with his love and endurance. It is essential to our mental, spiritual and physical health to STOP going going going and pause to spend time with Jesus. We love to sit on our front porch (thank God for beautiful weather) and look out at what he has created. When we pause to look around we can feel his glory everywhere and we can worship him among the yelling goats, playful cats, mooing cows, and sweet puppies he created for us to enjoy. We get re centered and feel renewed purpose; we get reminded of what he's called us to do and we can go forward with energy and excitement.
So if you're feeling a little lackluster recently, please designate some time with Jesus and get filled up. It'll be worth it, I promise.

Spring is always a "blooming" time when students are trying to improve their grades, people are planning more parties, almost everyone is trying to get fit or back on the right track after the post-holiday blues. All of this equates to a fantastic field of work for my husband and I. All the running around and planning leaves us a little burnt out and tired. No matter how much sleep we get or what we eat, we still drag at the end of the day to get things done.

So if you're feeling a little lackluster recently, please designate some time with Jesus and get filled up. It'll be worth it, I promise.
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