Psalm 122
speaks of praying for peace from God. The English dictionary defines “peace” as
the absence of disturbance or the end to war; however, I’m afraid this definition
is not the true meaning of peace but rather the result of the true definition. Jesus’
presence creates a calming affect that we associate with peace. Jesus is peace.
By going into his presence, we can feel a shift in perspective and a
light-heartedness that we don’t feel with worldly things. His presence can set
things right-side-up and allow us to find joy and thankfulness in our time of
You might be
struggling with what “the presence” is and how to get it. This one is simple:
to feel Jesus working in your life and to feel his presence, all you have to do
is open your heart and ask him to come. Invite him in just like you would
invite a friend into your home. If you ask and nothing happens, keep asking and
he will answer. Things might get ugly and you might throw a teensy temper
tantrum when he doesn’t answer but he will patiently wait for you to finish and
break down walls that guard your heart so that you can hear him.
please please invite him to bring you peace. Be a peace keeper and spread it to
everyone around you. Your life will take on new meaning and you’ll be able to
relax with the confidence that Jesus is walking with you and taking care of
your every single need.
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