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Peace Out!

In a world of social media, quick news reports and the web at our fingertips, a lot of bad news and negative information gets funneled into our minds. There’s not really a way around it and it would be stupid to shut yourself off from being aware of current events. Staying positive and encouraged becomes a rarity in a place crowded with negative thoughts. Being negative becomes a way of life, a habit, a mind-set; God wants us to be the light, the good, the hopeful, the encouraging in the midst of all the dark. He also wants us to be strategic about what we expose ourselves to as we shine our light from within. But we must also be conscious of being self-focused or self-centered in our strategies. To become rightfully aligned, we need to become people of peace, with a peace that comes from the Holy Spirit living inside us and being Christ-centered.
Psalms 120:6-7 says:
I’m tired of living among people who hate peace. I search for peace; but when I speak of peace, they want war!
We live in a place of constant war: war with each other, war with ourselves, and war with the Spiritual realm. I’ve talked a little about fighting war with peace {HERE} but basically, you have to let Jesus decide your moods instead of getting caught up in a chaotic mess of emotions. Jesus is bigger than any circumstance, worry, expectation, opposition or person and can right any wrong. Be honest about your emotions but hand over out-of-control emotions to Jesus; ask him how you’re supposed to feel and ask him to flood you with those emotions instead of your own. Allow Jesus to fill you with peace, love, hope, encouragement, and joy; bring those emotions with you wherever you go and spread it around to others.

 Please be in prayer about what God wants you involved in and what He wants you to avoid. Go forward in your life being guided by Him and basing your decisions and sense of security in His will for you. Be confident in His direction and go to Him in your times of need and your times of rejoicing. Learn how to be Christ-centered, Christ-minded and Christ-like to stay strong in the midst of a storm. Jesus loves you deeply and wants to walk with you as you experience life on Earth.


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