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Extravagant Celebrations

The Shock of the Year… We were invited to a friend’s house for dinner last weekend. We pulled up promptly at 7, walked in the house and received instructions from my friend. She said that her son wanted to show me his new puppy in the backyard. I open up the door to the backyard and immediately see all my close church friends gathered around in expectation, and hear a loud “SURPRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISE!!!!!!” In that moment, my heart was flooded with emotion. Tears gathered in my eyes as memories and thoughts of great times spent together came rushing upon me in an instant. I was so excited and touched to know that they had been planning this for weeks and prepared a special party for me with all my favorite things. One of those favorite things included the art of celebration; I love to celebrate and mark moments in time with good memories and good friends. I love for each person to feel special and distinguished when good things come their way.

Cheesecake Factory is a
birthday must!
Last Friday night, it was my turn to be celebrated! My husband and I had so much fun celebrating my birthday. In fact, my birthday has jumped the boundaries of a single day and has rushed into a full week of celebration. I use the week leading to my birthday as a time to anticipate the close of a year and the birth of a new direction. Instead of mourning the loss of my twenties, I get to rejoice and seek the direction of God in my thirties. It doesn’t hurt that the week comes to a close celebrating the birth of our nation. Whether I was born with an innate ability to celebrate or if it was built into me from my joyous family upbringing, I can’t help but become part of that intangible element called “celebration” that makes everyone feel special. I love the fellowship, joy, presents, food gatherings, cake, singing, candles and kind words that go along with celebrating. It gives me great happiness and fulfillment to be celebrated and to celebrate others.

Zephaniah 3:17 (my favorite) says, “For the Lord you God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

Psalm 138:1-3 – “I give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart; I will sing your praises before the gods. I bow before your holy Temple as I worship. I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness; for your promises are backed by all the honor of your name. As soon as I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me strength.”

The start of my annual birthday
extravaganza with my hubby
My husband and I feel like a celebratory nature comes straight from God. A simple internet search of the word “celebrate” in the Bible yields hundreds of verses that speak on celebration of God, Jesus and victories on Earth through their power. God is a natural celebrator – he looks down on us and rejoices with gladness over his creation. As his children, we imitate his nature and celebrate the things he has blessed us with. Celebrating things like birthdays, jobs, retirements, weddings, babies, holidays, new homes and much more is just one way of bringing his glory to Earth. Dancing with joy and singing praises are acts that were instilled in us when we handed our lives to God. We can’t help but be delighted by his glory and righteousness – it’s part of our DNA as Christians.

Good friends, good times.
My hope is for you to find reasons to celebrate – whether it be with a huge party or a head nod in God’s direction, I hope you recognize the blessings for what they are and from whom they came. This is my challenge to you: pick something specific to celebrate and do it with the joyful attitude that comes from God. Start your new life as a celebrator of all things big and small. Show gratitude and joy over your everyday blessings and your life altering gifts from God. It’ll be fun, I promise. J


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