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Believing the Lie

If you were at church a couple Sundays ago, this story about an anonymous person might sound a little familiar...but I'm going to tell it from my perspective...because it happened to me.

I always go outside and pet the kittens. We have 6 baby kittens and 1 older kitten. I was sitting on the porch doing my usual thing, just thinking about life and enjoying God's creations and I started to see flashing lights. I thought, oh no! I hope I'm not getting a migraine! (I used to get migraines in junior high and that's how they started). I blinked and blinked and took deep breaths but it didn't stop so I went inside. I went to the restroom and prayed against the migraine and for healing over my body and head. It got worse.

I then went to the medicine cabinet and started to look for anything for headaches. When I grabbed the bottle and tried to read it, I couldn't see anything. It was like I was going blind (or at least, what I think going blind would be like). Along with the flashing lights, came blurriness and I started to panic a little.

Jarrod asked me what I was doing (since I almost NEVER take meds for a headache) and I told him I thought I was getting a migraine but now I can't see at all. He told me to go lie down on the sofa and he'd be there in a minute. He stayed in the kitchen for a little bit, making grilled cheese, and then came in to soothe me and ask me what was going on. He prayed for healing but it continued to get worse. Jarrod is pretty persistent so not being healed wasn't going to stop him -he will keep praying until he sees results (I love his determination). He was sitting beside me - I was laid out on the sofa and he sat on the floor - and at this point I couldn't see him at all.

Jarrod asked me when the flashing lights started and asked me to pray about the origin of it. I thought back and remembered it was when I was petting the kitties and I asked God to reveal to my mind what I was thinking about. He revealed to me that I had told myself a lie and that I had believed it - and wanted to (to make things easier in my mind). I told Jarrod what I had heard and he said, "ok - you know what to do next." So I renounced the lie that I had believed and prayed for "eyes to see the truth" (I felt like God was telling me to say those words) and prayed God's truth over my life.

As soon as I prayed for "eyes to see the truth" my vision cleared, the flashing lights stopped, and my headache subsided.

This whole experience was new for me and it seems kind of surreal. One little lie planted in my mind blinded my vision.

Bill Johnson said in one of his sermons that "believing the lie empowers the liar." I believed a lie that Satan planted in my mind and I empowered him by believing it. By renouncing that lie, I was renouncing Satan's power over me and speaking God's truth empowered him to heal my eyes.

Don't give Satan permission to rule your mind and body. Don't believe the lies he plants in your mind! Our Heavenly Father WANTS us to choose him and wants us to give him the power to heal our minds, hearts, and bodies.

You'll know when you've believed a lie because the root of it is evil and therefore creates feelings of worry, self loathing, fear, etc. (see "No Fear!"). Renounce those lies and get back on God's team! He is jealous for you and loves you deeply. It is so comforting to know that he is always waiting for us with open arms. Run to him!!!


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