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How Do You Receive?

When you're waiting in line for something REALLY awesome, do you:
a) push your way to the front to make sure you get what's yours?
b) wait patiently in line while watching the crazies elbow each other for something we're all going to get anyway?
c) wait until someone buys it for you so you don't have to deal with the effort?

Joshua 14-19 tells a story of these three types of receivers as he lines out the allotment of the land. Again in these chapters, there are a lot of names and places that can make your head spin but Pastor Dad (David) was able, through God's revelation, to line up these chapters in a much more relevant way.

We are to the point where Joshua is getting old and is losing a little steam. He still believes in the promise and wants to move on but is not as able to. Caleb came in with fresh energy and reminded Joshua to allot the land to its respective owners. So by Caleb's prodding, they explore the land, allot it to appropriate tribes, and the division of the land is complete.

How does this apply to us now? As believers (children of God), God wants us to begin taking possession of our promises so we may occupy them. He wants us to receive what is ours and live in it by taking it as our own. The men in Joshua failed to explore the land given to them; similarly, we might be guilty of not exploring our spiritual promises...the gifts and spiritual growth God has for us. We may not be walking fully in what God has prepared for us.

As believers, we are given the highest privilege of receiving. As receivers, we don't have to ACHIEVE something that is ours for the taking. We don't need to try harder for something that's already ours. There are three types of receivers as I mentioned above:
1) Aggressive receiver
2) Passive receiver
3) Negligent receiver

1) An aggressive receiver might be compared to a pitbull. It's theirs and they're gonna take it! Step back because they're getting what's due to them! Caleb, in chapter 14, would be an example of an aggressive receiver. He went to Joshua to remind him of the promise, asked for his inheritance, and Joshua blessed him with it.
2) A passive receiver is more like a golden retriever - waiting patiently in line for what his master has for him. This kind of receiver is still aware of the promises and wants them dearly but is not necessarily willing to fight for it. An example of this can be found in chapter 15. Caleb drives out the people in the land for a couple tribes and provides incentive (his daughter) for anyone who could strike the inhabitants of one of the remaining territories. The man who won married Caleb's daughter. Then the daughter asked for Caleb to bless them further with the springs of water and it was given to them.
3) The negligent receiver could be compared to a lazy, old chihuahua. This type of receiver will probably be more inclined to sit and wait until what they want is handed to them. There's no need to rush around being crazy if they can just chill until they receive what's theirs. These people are so passive they are negligent. They often offer up excuse after excuse as to why they haven't taken possession of what's promised. They usually want the promise but can't take the first step.
What all the receivers have in common is they know they want more. Almost every believer is aware that God has more in store for them than what they already have. There's always room to grow and receive. NO BELIEVER IS EXCLUDED. Every child of God has an inheritance. Begin by asking him what yours is.


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