I know this girl from high school who was...let's say less than nice to me. And I have to confess that maybe I wasn't very nice back to her. I think we resolved in our minds that we just didn't like each other (for who knows what reason 16 year old girls choose) and stayed away from each other as much as possible while trash talking each other at the same time. We graduated, went to college, graduated again (not at the same time), and guess what? Our paths crossed again. We were put in a situation that was awkward given our background and were forced to talk to each other and work together. And do you know what happened? She spoke up and said, "I think we knew each other in high school..." and I said, "yeahhh kind of." And she said, "I don't think we were very nice to each other." I replied, "no not really." God prompted us both at that time to agree that our tiff was stupid and high school brings out the worst in people and we forgave each other for our immaturity. We became really good friends. We found out how much alike we are and how much we have in common. We know the same people, we grew up with similar backgrounds, and we really get along. What happened here is called "unity".
Unity often times comes from a place of forgiveness, acceptance, trust, and honor, but only through the power of God. It seems like it comes in that order at first and then flows in and out of all those aspects. Unity brings clarity, improved relationships, understanding, and peace to those being united through God's revelation.
(The picture to the right is unity at its finest ;) we wore almost the exact same shirt, unplanned one Sunday...and it's not the first time).
One of the biggest examples of unity is seen in Ephesians 2:11-21. The Gentiles were segregated from the Israelites at the temple because of their moral "filth". When Jesus died on the cross, the metaphorical walls fall down, sin was washed clean, and the Jews and the Gentiles became one family. They moved from wanting to enter the Holy of Holies in the temple to the Holy of Holies entering their hearts.
Jesus breaks down walls of hostility that hinder unity with not only your enemies, close friends and family but also with him. Please take time in your daily life to ask God who you need to forgive and find unity with. By not doing this, you're holding yourself hostage from the fullness God wants you to have.
With the holidays surrounding us and we reunite with family we haven't seen in a long time, old offenses arise. We've found it to be beneficial to pray BEFORE you reunite with your family and ask God to guide you as you reconnect. Also, see if God wants you to forgive anyone in your life, ask what you need to forgive them of, and give it to God. After that, ask him how HE wants YOU to feel about that person and make sure you shower God's love on your family. You might change the dynamics of your family but hopefully your family members will notice the change and want what you have. Have a VERY Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to Jesus!
(The picture to the right is unity at its finest ;) we wore almost the exact same shirt, unplanned one Sunday...and it's not the first time).
One of the biggest examples of unity is seen in Ephesians 2:11-21. The Gentiles were segregated from the Israelites at the temple because of their moral "filth". When Jesus died on the cross, the metaphorical walls fall down, sin was washed clean, and the Jews and the Gentiles became one family. They moved from wanting to enter the Holy of Holies in the temple to the Holy of Holies entering their hearts.
Jesus breaks down walls of hostility that hinder unity with not only your enemies, close friends and family but also with him. Please take time in your daily life to ask God who you need to forgive and find unity with. By not doing this, you're holding yourself hostage from the fullness God wants you to have.
With the holidays surrounding us and we reunite with family we haven't seen in a long time, old offenses arise. We've found it to be beneficial to pray BEFORE you reunite with your family and ask God to guide you as you reconnect. Also, see if God wants you to forgive anyone in your life, ask what you need to forgive them of, and give it to God. After that, ask him how HE wants YOU to feel about that person and make sure you shower God's love on your family. You might change the dynamics of your family but hopefully your family members will notice the change and want what you have. Have a VERY Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to Jesus!
So sweet!