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Showing posts from December, 2016

A Three Part Relationship with Your Spouse

Even if you're not married, this post can benefit you and your future spouse...if you are married, you might find out a new way you can connect with your spouse. My husband and I celebrate our 8th anniversary this year; while 8 years is nothing compared to the 40+ my parents have and 60+ my grandparents have, I can undoubtedly say I've learned a lot about marriage over the last 8 years. I'm sure my marriage education started far before I ever got married when I was a kid watching my parents relate, but first-hand experience is a guaranteed fast track education in the area of relationships. We know as humans that relationships are built on an emotional connection . We find someone we can emotionally relate to and our foundation is formed. Either you found something similar that connects you, or you found something totally different that you wish you had, but the two of you formed a bond that goes deeper than any surface level acquaintance. Another connection, and not ...

Hopes for 2017

At the dawning of a new year, we can't help but see what's coming as a clean slate and a fresh start. Most of us make resolutions or goals for the new year. Did you make any this year? Did you have any prayers you wanted answered or hopes you wanted fulfilled? Internet!!!!!! Our very pregnant mini goat The past two years, my husband and I have written down our hopes for the new year. I can honestly say that most of those hopes have come true. There are a few things we are still praying for, but ultimately we know that everything happens in God's good timing. Some of the things I hoped for were kind of silly, like for our mini goats to have babies and internet at our house (we live in between two middle-of-nowheres and there's nothing but land and cows); some of my hopes were a little more serious, like becoming spiritually closer with Jarrod and reaching more people for Jesus. Those four things alone came true this year: our mini goat is currently about to pop...