At the dawning of a new year, we can't help but see what's coming as a clean slate and a fresh start. Most of us make resolutions or goals for the new year. Did you make any this year? Did you have any prayers you wanted answered or hopes you wanted fulfilled?
Internet!!!!!! |
Our very pregnant mini goat |
The past two years, my husband and I have written down our hopes for the new year. I can honestly say that most of those hopes have come true. There are a few things we are still praying for, but ultimately we know that everything happens in God's good timing. Some of the things I hoped for were kind of silly, like for our mini goats to have babies and internet at our house (we live in between two middle-of-nowheres and there's nothing but land and cows); some of my hopes were a little more serious, like becoming spiritually closer with Jarrod and reaching more people for Jesus. Those four things alone came true this year: our mini goat is currently about to pop, I am using the internet at our house, Jarrod and I grew immensely in the Spirit, and I've expanded my boundaries to reach more people for Jesus.
This year our hopes include what didn't happen and some new heights we want to reach. I want you to take time, pray and think about what your hopes are for this year. Please write them down and put them somewhere safe. When December 2017 rolls around, pull out your hopes and see how much God has blessed you.
Our 2016 New Year's Party |
When we pray about what our hopes are for the future, God guides into what he wants for us. When we want what he wants, all our dreams come true. Some of our hopes or prayers take longer than others, but having faith the he is a good God carries us through our time of waiting. If we can humble ourselves and let him guide our dreams, we become blessed beyond measure. Please seek him as you think about what you want for the New Year. I'll be praying for you to hear from him and that throughout this year your relationship becomes stronger than ever with him. Please feel free to contact me and enlist my help in praying and hearing from God. I can't wait to see what 2017 brings!
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