Temptation is inevitable; it is a fact of life that we face every day. We are constantly tempted by food, drink, self promotion, pride, addictions, pretty things and much more. You know by now that when faced with temptation, giving in is too easy. Practicing self control and using reason allude you for a moment, making resistance nearly impossible. We've all been tempted by something; even Jesus was tempted.
In Luke 4:1-13, we learn that Jesus went into the wilderness full of the Holy Spirit and was tempted for 40 days. HOLD UP...He was
full of the Holy Spirit and was tempted for
40 DAYS. During his 40 days in the wilderness, he was tempted by lust of the flesh (he was human, too), lust of the eyes, and the pride of life; he punched every form of temptation right in the face. He totally nailed it, and why wouldn't he??? He's the perfect mix of God and man, and he totally rocked his time on Earth.
Lust of the Flesh |
First, his flesh was tempted. The devil says, "IF you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become a loaf of bread." The devil questions Holy Spirit revealed truth, then he tempted Jesus to gratify his flesh. Jesus responds by saying, "People do not live by bread alone." He is not tempted by bread because he knows in his heart that food would only gratify him for a moment; the living word nourishes the soul.
Lust of the Eyes |
Then, the devil takes Jesus up to
LOOK (lust of the eyes) at all the kingdoms and offers him authority over all of it. The devil tries to persuade him by saying the kingdoms are his to give and promises to hand it over if Jesus worships him. Jesus is not into selling his soul to the devil, and he informs the devil that Scriptures say, "You must worship the Lord your God and serve ONLY him." He isn't willing to pledge allegiance to the devil in exchange for authority over the kingdoms (which he gets anyway by way of his Father: King of kings and Lord of lords).
Pride of Life |
Lastly, the devil takes Jesus to the highest point of the temple and prompts him to jump off to see if God protects him from injury. Jesus knows the character of his Father and to "not test the Lord your God." Testing God is an arrogant act that is a result of pride of life.
Here's the thing: Jesus didn't resist temptation because of his awesome personality or by sheer force of will. Jesus resisted temptation because he walked with the Holy Spirit inside him, which guided, protected and informed him.
By our adoption into the family of God, we are offered the same thing Jesus was offered. Don't go into the wilderness unarmed hoping for the best; go into the wilderness armed with the Holy Spirit living inside you and kick temptation square in the face. You, too, are a child of God and a child of man, which gives you the same all-access pass Jesus had on Earth.
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