As a full-time employee at a school , I received a laptop. I want to respect school property and protect the laptop from unnecessary damage so I ordered a sleeve for it to sleep in while I carry it to and fro in my teacher tote. Jarrod has Amazon Prime so I ordered it on his account for it to be delivered the Saturday before school starts. Saturday, I went to the mailbox and it wasn’t there. Jarrod says, “ohh yeah! I forgot…my credit card expired and you have to reorder it.” I was so disappointed! I thought I timed the delivery perfectly and I couldn’t wait to check out my new purple laptop sleeve! At this point, I was presented with two options in my mind and emotions: 1. Get mad and blame a bunch of people for my misfortune, or 2. Not be so dramatic because now it arrives on Monday and that’s not very far away (first world probs). I chose the first option. The thing is, in my mind, I knew there we...