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God is in Control | Dreams Really Do Come True

How does a girl with a B.S. in Mathematics get a full-time job at a junior college? For someone like me - someone that dreamed of becoming a teacher her whole life, taught high school and didn’t really like it - this is a dream come true. I get to teach a subject I love to students I adore in an environment that suits my personality. I’ll tell you how I moved into a full-time position: it was all God. Sure, I used the tools He gave me, but He provided the timing, circumstances and open positions to make my dream possible. 

As an adjunct math instructor for developmental classes (that’s a part-time position), I began mixing my skills, experience and training with my passion and what I found was pure joy everyday. My co-workers started asking me if I’d considered a master’s degree and working full time since I enjoyed my job so much. To be honest, these things hadn’t really even crossed my mind; I was so busy enjoying every day in each moment that I wasn’t looking to change an already good thing. At the same time, I didn’t want to be closed-minded to a door God might be opening for me. I began praying about what God wanted me to do and asking Him where to focus my attention. I feel strongly about my priority being the ministry and I also feel strongly about pursuing my passion in the classroom. In one of my prayer times I asked Him if going back to school was something I needed to pursue to glorify His name in the workplace. He responded with, “I am creating a position for you.” (Side note: He also said I could get a master’s degree if I wanted to, but He didn’t place any emphasis on diving in head first to this endeavor.)

Fast forward a few months from that prayer time and summer rolls around. With summer, resignations, promotions and title changes pop up left and right. All three full-time math teachers resigned and suddenly there was a need for math teachers - qualified college math teachers (master’s degree and teaching experience). Since I don’t have a master’s degree and I didn’t feel a strong push to get one right away, I knew I wouldn’t qualify for one of these open positions. A few weeks later, my department chair calls and explains that they are in dire need of a teacher and they “created a position” for me as a full-time developmental math teacher. The job would fit my qualifications and be perfect for my area of expertise. I was pumped!!! His news was directly aligned with what I knew God said months ago. I couldn’t wait to go in after the weekend and accept the offer. 

I went to officially accept and was greeted by the department chair with, “unfortunately, the job I offered you is off the table.” I was a little confused but not really upset because I knew God said He created a position for me. I figured maybe I would get another offer soon. It didn’t make much difference to me because I was happy either way - I get to pursue my passion with all my heart whether I do it full time or part time.

Later that week in my prayer time, I felt like God said He would be expanding my sphere of influence and that I’d have another offer soon. That afternoon, the department chair called me and gave the job back officially and with finality. The reason for rescinding the offer the first time was no longer an issue and the full-time developmental math teaching job was open to me. I accepted with peace in my heart.

With all the back and forth, it would have been easy to be taken on an emotional roller coaster. I feel like God had been preparing me for months and He provided a steady foundation for me to stand on during the storm. He told me ahead of time about the plan He formed. I knew based on His character that His plan never included harming me or making me feel like a lesser person. He had spoken to me enough about my value and His plan that no job, or lack of job, would decide my purpose. My purpose remains the same; my purpose is to glorify His name no matter where I am or what I’m doing. To me, it doesn't matter if I’m working full time, part time or no time; I’ll do what He wants me to do and carry out His plan no matter what my title is or what kind of time and effort is involved. I work for Him and I aim to please Him. I will still be under the authority of the school administrator, but they are under His authority and judgment so I’m not worried about what they do. All I’m concerned about is doing what God asked me to do and doing it well. I love God, I love people, and I love teaching. Combining my passions in any context is a win and I feel blessed that God wants to use me to expand my influence through Him. He’s been preparing me for the blessing and the conflict ahead, and I know He will carry me through everything. He is an infinitely creative God of miracles and wonders. I love seeing what plan He comes up with next.


  1. What a blessing that I just so happen to run into this blog! What you said: He had spoken to me enough about my value and His plan that no job, or lack of job, would decide my purpose. My purpose remains the same; my purpose is to glorify His name no matter where I am or what I’m doing. Taht statement fits me perfectly and thank you for you diligence with blogging Gods word and moving towards fulfilling His purpose he has for you! Thanks for the word!

    1. I'm glad we found each other and that God used me to help you! Tell me a little about yourself. I love getting to know my readers better.


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