Do you know what I like best about conflict? I like the moment conflict gets resolved. I love that feeling of relief. I love the sense of pressure being released that comes after a problem is solved. The only hard part is the path leading up to resolution. The difficulty lies in the fog that surrounds disagreement, false information or confusion. We found a way to clear the fog and I’m going to share that with you, today!
I’ve had several year long conflicts and a few moment long conflicts, but each one has the same result: a compromise or agreement that leads to resolution. I’ve had conflicts with other people, conflicts with myself and conflicts with something evil working against me. Each one requires a laying down of something on my part, but the end result is worth the compromise. Now I can almost hear what you are thinking… In most of these instances we have learned, or have been taught NOT to compromise. To put your mind at ease, I’m talking about agreement with Jesus rather than striking a compromise with our long or short term adversaries. Let me explain…
I started my Tuesday with reading the Bible and praying for a word that would prepare my heart for the day. I knew I would be encountering different people with different agendas and I wanted to be ready to tackle what they brought me. I received a word on my value in the workplace and I felt encouraged to approach the day with confidence. You see, the state of Texas is mandating a few changes (state wide) in developmental college programs. There are a lot of moving parts with the different tasks and the people involved have a lot at stake. There are plenty of opinions on how we should approach this change and most of them differ greatly. All that to say, I had several meetings scheduled with multiple parties and I was ready to bring some resolution to the conflict…I was sure, based on my word from God, that this would be part of my value contribution. God was going to bring me an idea, word or application that was going to solidify my value in the environment in which I’m employed. I was sure of it. I was fully prepared to be a total rock star at work!
Well, apparently I misunderstood some of the communications sent my way. This included God and some from my co-workers. From my perspective, I ended up making a total fool out of myself. I missed or was late to every scheduled meeting! This was not congruent to what Jesus had spoken to me (or so I thought). I had to apologize for my stupidity all day. I was SO embarrassed! When I got home I needed to pray about the mess I made and asked God to help me see my value despite my mistakes. He told me that I handled every situation with grace and that I did a good job?! He showed me that I brought light and peace through my reactions to each situation. I realized that His idea and my idea of “value” in the workplace differed. In my mind, to be valuable I would make a difference and shine brightly with my great ideas. In His mind, to be valuable I would serve well, bring light and joy to every meeting and inspire great ideas. To reach a resolution to the conflict that raged within, I had to lay down my own expectations of value in the workplace and come into agreement with His meaning of value. Talk about instant peace!
That’s the thing about conflict: Your agreement with His truth allows you to reach a viable solution to any conflict. When He clears the fog and shows us the bigger picture, we can see His plan unfolding and how to align ourselves with Him. He can break down the walls around our hearts, form our opinions and change our perspectives. He can tear down our own personal standards and preconceived notions so that our hearts become His heart. With one word, our direction can change. With one thought, our paths can be directed. When we lay down our own expectations and agendas, we open up more room for His desires and will. Resolution to conflict comes when we get on God’s page. When we come into agreement with God’s agenda, compromise is inevitable and resolution to conflict is guaranteed. Surrendering our will to His desire is the easiest way to resolve our problems. Think of an area in your life that you are uncomfortable with. Ask God what He wants you to surrender. Ask Him how you can come into agreement with His will. The resolution will be worth it; I promise.
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