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A Collision Course With Destiny | Where is God Taking You?

Anyone who has been to school, teaches school, going to school, or taking a kid to school can understand the adjustment it takes to start a new year. You certainly have to “get back into shape” for getting up early, going all day and catching up on chores/homework at night. We go from the super relaxed summer schedule straight into a very rigid schedule with little flexibility. Personally, it threw me off kilter a little bit and I was very thankful for the long weekend to make up for a tiring week.

By the end of the week, I found myself getting agitated and frustrated in areas that I really shouldn’t have been. I was starting to get caught up in the politics around me when it was really not my problem. When Sunday rolled around and I listened to my husband preach, I realized I needed an attitude adjustment - a refocusing of my gaze. I got so bogged down with these nit picky things that don’t really matter and forgot the real reason I was there. My mission as a teacher is to help, encourage and guide students in their learning.

When God sends us on a mission, there are always going to be distractions and bumps in the road. If we let those distractions take our attention, we forget the mission we were sent on. It’s so important to recenter and re-engage with God to remind us where we were going. It essential to our success that we not be wearied by the things of this world but be rejuvenated by what God is doing along the way. 

To know where God is taking you and to know the path to get there is a guaranteed ticket to your destination. When you walk guided by God, the small things that pop up are minor things that can be swept away. The only way to live this way is to ask God what He wants for you. When you are under His authority, you are on a collision course for destiny. Not everything makes sense, but your obedience will lead you into key moments where realization comes that you are where you need to be. If you stop trying to “work the system” to reach your destination and instead be led and seek revelation, you will walk straight into your destiny.

I’m encouraging YOU to seek God on your mission. Be obedient to what He wants and be led by His desires. Ask Him where you are going and see that He will tell you how to get there. Be submissive to what He says and sit back to watch your path clear before you. It’s very exciting and far less work than fumbling around blind looking for an unclear destination. Walk with purpose and security while God guides you to where He wants you to be. Rest patiently in His plan for you.


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