There are plenty distractions to interrupt my day. If it’s not an actual person, it might be an email, an errant thought, a butterfly or exhaustion that distract me from what I’m supposed to be doing. When everyone is calling my name, texting me, emailing me are asking for help, it’s very hard to stay on track.
For example, when I try to clean my house, I work with such purpose on one thing and then…SQUIRREL! I see something else that needs to be worked on. Then, when I’m doing that I see a different thing that needs to be cleaned…and suddenly, I’m working on 3 or more things with divided effort. If I could just work with purpose on one thing and then move on to the next item, I could get a lot done and do it well.
FLOOD Youth Conference |
This is a worldly representation of my relationship with God and His purpose for me. It might range from being distracted during prayer to knowing my purpose, starting well and getting distracted in the process. Just yesterday, my husband and I were praying about something and at the same time that I’m hearing a word from God, these other thoughts pop up that result in skepticism and fear. I know exactly what God said, but there is also a force working against what He wants and is trying to keep me away from His truth. This other force wants me to be scared, to question God and avoid doing what is best for me. This force wants me to remain unchanging, stay isolated and fear the future. This force has no power over God; it only has the power over me that I allow it to have. I KNOW the voice of God and I KNOW these “distracting” thoughts are not Him. If I can separate the two, I can say “no” to the distraction and “yes” to what God is saying.
God's pursuit never waivers; our pursuit of Him and what He has for us is what waivers. With all the distractions and thoughts that pop up to keep us from Him, it is a challenge to stay focused on Him. The challenge is a chance to choose Him. The forces working against us make choosing and receiving Him that much sweeter. When we realize how much He’s been pursuing us and what we find when we pursue Him, our hearts are changed and our paths are made straight. The more you walk with Him, the more you’ll be able to discern what is a distraction and be able to remain focused on your true path and purpose. Nothing can keep you from His love and nothing will ever stop Him from loving you first.
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