Have you ever looked back at old pictures, watched old videos or read old Facebook posts and noticed yourself cringing a little bit? Come on, I know you have at least once. At the time, what you're doing feels so right and then looking back, with wisdom, you can see how misguided your decisions were.
I know this is certainly true for me. I have changed so much in my young adulthood that sometimes I cringe at the younger me. With a little distance, maturity and wisdom I can see the error of my ways. However, I'd be lying if I said those were the only three ingredients in my recipe for finding my true self. The main ingredient, the flour of the recipe, is Christ in me. My time with him has broken off so many lies of my past, regret, blame, shame and generational curses. He alone has revealed my true identity...the person he created me to be and I'm still not done chipping away the junk.
When I visualize this process I get an image of "Thing" in Fantastic Four (the rock guy). Underneath all that rock and hard exterior is a man. Buried under the walls built up around him is a person with feelings, a heart and a soul. If he were able to chip away at the rock exterior, his true identity would be revealed. That's you. Buried beneath the self preservation, insecurities, accusatory thoughts, lies of the past, etc is the real person God made. The rock exterior represents each piece that has to be broken off by the hammer of God's love and truth. What's hidden represents the person God made.

I want to encourage you to begin (or continue) the process of chipping away your false exterior. The part of you that hurts others, hurts yourself, and keeps God at a distance. Admit it, your rocky suit is a little uncomfortable. Find who you truly are by asking God to reveal something false in your life and also the truth hidden underneath it. Pebble by pebble, you'll start to see the real you. Please don't put this process off; start now so you can find who you really are. Trust me, the new you is a much more comfortable suit!
I know this is certainly true for me. I have changed so much in my young adulthood that sometimes I cringe at the younger me. With a little distance, maturity and wisdom I can see the error of my ways. However, I'd be lying if I said those were the only three ingredients in my recipe for finding my true self. The main ingredient, the flour of the recipe, is Christ in me. My time with him has broken off so many lies of my past, regret, blame, shame and generational curses. He alone has revealed my true identity...the person he created me to be and I'm still not done chipping away the junk.

I want to encourage you to begin (or continue) the process of chipping away your false exterior. The part of you that hurts others, hurts yourself, and keeps God at a distance. Admit it, your rocky suit is a little uncomfortable. Find who you truly are by asking God to reveal something false in your life and also the truth hidden underneath it. Pebble by pebble, you'll start to see the real you. Please don't put this process off; start now so you can find who you really are. Trust me, the new you is a much more comfortable suit!
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