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How to Get Through the Bible in ONE YEAR | Daily Reading Plan

If you've ever tried to read straight through the Bible before, you know how difficult it is. I know every time I've tried that I'm super excited through Genesis, still pretty good through Exodus and then is S-L-O-W-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S waaayyyy down after that and I usually just give up. My goal for 2017 was to read through the Bible. A friend of mine mentioned a One Year Chronological Bible and I felt like this was the most realistic way to make it to the end.  I checked it out on amazon and found a used Bible for $5 (this what I here). I also saw that it had a designated reading for each day of the year AND it put the Bible story in a chronological timeline (here are some here). I have a very logical mind (blame it on my math degree), so laying out the Bible in the order that it took place just made sense to me. I couldn't wait to start my journey into the greatest story of all time.

I have to say that it felt like molasses through certain parts and I got behind a couple times, but I also have to say that reading the Bible consistently for a year made a huge difference in my life. Here's what I learned this year about making it through the Bible in one year:

Click here to
purchase this
Bible on Amazon.

1) Buy a one year Bible. My favorite is a chronological, NLT Bible. It was super easy to read and it broke up the Bible into manageable chunks each day. Even though there were a couple days that I missed (one time I got THREE WEEKS behind), I was easily able to catch up by reading two days at a time until I was back to the current day. The key to finishing is not giving up. When you get behind, pick the book back up and start plowing through as much as you can. Which brings me to number two...

2) If you're hungry for more, read more! There are days and passages that you dread reading, but there are also days that you can't get enough of. On those days, read ahead. If your heart is crying for more, give your heart more! Keep reading, satisfy your hunger. It's one of those few things that you can indulge yourself on...I promise, you won't get fat by digesting more of the word.

3) Speaking of food...sometimes it can be hard to focus during your reading time. To help set aside distractions, pray before you start reading. Ask God to help focus your attention on reading because I guarantee the second you crack open the Bible, that baby is going to start crying, the dogs will start barking, a very important phone call will come in or an urgent email will pop up. Praying ahead of time won't stop those things from happening, but it will help you decide what is more important and it will give you the patience to deal with the tiny emergencies while you're just trying to read your daily assignment. Which brings me to my last piece of advice:

4) It is so hard to find extra time in the day when you are already stretched thin. I want to encourage you to be firm in setting up a consistent time each day to read. It really only takes 10-20 minutes to read your passage and then you're done. There's no set up or clean up involved like working out, cooking or cleaning. Just set an alarm, sit down, crack open your Bible, and read. My schedule fluctuates throughout the year so I set two times that I could choose from each day. This helped me because if my morning time didn't work out, the time I set after dinner and before church groups usually worked out. If you miss both times, try again tomorrow. Don't be too hard on yourself and enjoy the process.

This experience is one of the best I've had; reading the Bible consistently every day was life changing. Maybe a one year chronological Bible isn't for you...I'd still recommend finding some plan that designates something for you to read each day for 365 days.  Having something pre-set makes finishing so much easier. There's very little thought that goes into opening up a pre planned package and reading. Please consider doing this in the next year. I know we are already a week into the New Year, but it's not too late to start and I promise, you won't regret it.


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