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Showing posts from April, 2018

God Answers Our Prayers | Be Still and Know

My 👩🏻 mom was 🤱🏻 adopted and while she 🤦🏻‍♀️ struggled with the rejection of her birth parents giving her up, she was also 🙏🏼 grateful to be CHOSEN by a ❤️ loving, stable mom. To the mom who chose her, she wasn’t an accident, she wasn’t a mistake and she wasn’t a burden. No. She was chosen. She was desired. She was wanted. She was cherished.  God 🙌🏼 chose us! He CHOSE to ✝️ send His son to save us so that we could be adopted into His family. That’s who we are to God. We are chosen, wanted, desired and cherished.  In my 🙏 prayer time, I often beg and 🤮 cry out. This makes me feel ☹️ lonely, unwanted and slightly rejected. It's the times that I am 🤫 quiet, still and patient that I hear 🙌🏼 God the most clearly. Those are the times when He has the most room to comfort me the way I should be comforted. It's those times that I come away from our conversations feeling built up and restored.  As I make some 🤔 decisions about my future, it's so com...

God’s Greatest Joy | What Makes God Happy?

🐰Easter usually brings thoughts of 🐰bunnies, 🐣eggs and tons of 🍭candy. There’s nothing like watching 👶🏻kids’ excitement as they find little 💵treasures out in the yard and explain with 😁delight what they found. For me, part of the joy of Easter is watching their faces 💡light up. But mostly, I enjoy Easter because I love to celebrate my freedom through Jesus. Jesus took on a huge ⛓burden so that we could be set ✝️free. Luke 12:50 says, “I have a terrible baptism of suffering ahead of me, and I am under a heavy burden until it is accomplished.” Sin had left a stain that no amount of sacrifices could 💦clean. To wash the stain away, Jesus took on our sin and it ☠️died with him on the cross. When he rose from the dead, we were made 🌈new through him.  “Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame.” The pain he experienced was worth what God was doing through him. He knew joy awaited the next chapter of his journey. What was...