I went to the store and bought some pants. When I got home and tried them on, they fit like I might be wearing my 10 year old nephew’s pants so I placed them in my car to exchange for a normal sized petite human being’s pants. I kept forgetting to return them for about a week or so until I finally took them back (with my receipt). I went to the customer service counter, returned the toddler pants, got cash back and went to find another pair in the size I needed. Apparently in the time I waited to return the pants, they had gone on sale so when I bought the new pair they were less expensive! Now that’s what I call a great exchange! Cha-ching! I came out on top in that blunder of forgetfulness and timing and sale times. The feeling associated with this exchange is similar to the exchange that happens in our lives when we hand over our vices for God’s love.
We all know that trying harder sets us up for failure. At least it seems like in my own life that whatever I’m trying NOT to do is exactly what I end up doing (Romans 7:19). Because of my inability to do things myself, I’m learning to stop trying so hard and to seek God’s strength in whatever needs transformation. When we seek revelation through the Holy Spirit, we get naturally filled up with an unmeasured amount of love that allows us to harness JOY through his strength. This strength creates kindness, tenderheartedness, forgiveness, gratefulness and LOVE. The deep well of love and joy within you becomes a living thing that cannot be contained. It will naturally pour out of you onto those around you and will be your new motivation for all you do (Read my post on BIG Love). Love living inside you will be an action to a reaction of the joy demonstrated through the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 4:25-32 teaches on the “exchange life”. Just like exchanging the toddler pants for a better deal, God gives us the opportunity to exchange the things that cloud our lives with darkness for a life of light, joy, gratitude, happiness, forgiveness and love. In summary, Jesus through Paul says to exchange:
- lies for truth,
- stealing/coveting for working hard,
- speaking harsh, offensive words for good, encouraging, uplifting words,
- using anger to cut others down for using anger as prompting to seek revelation and constructive criticism from Jesus.
Please pray and ask God what he wants you to exchange for a better deal. Ask him to reveal it to you. If it doesn’t get revealed right away, ask him to show it to you throughout your day and ask him to take it away and replace it with a deep well of love that produces light, joy, happiness, forgiveness, truth, gratitude and encouragement. You’ll love the deal you walk away with!
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