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On a Mission.

It’s my passion to share the word of God to anyone willing to listen. From the conception of this website, I’ve tried to focus on the teaching stand point of sharing how God can be present in YOUR life. After a couple months of barely posting, mostly praying and trying to catch up, I’ve decided to write the blog from a more personal stand point of what God is doing in my life: the “preacher’s wife” portion of who I am.

I am a full-time preacher’s wife and teacher; however, my employment as a teacher is only part-time. I consider myself a full-time teacher because it is a major part of my gift package from God. Even when I wasn’t teaching anywhere, I found myself seeking people out to help, tutor or guide. It is part of who I am and a passion I can’t ignore.

Learning new strategies for the
An outlet for my passion of teaching is to work as a developmental math teacher for a junior college. What is developmental math, you say? It’s the class students take when they are not quite ready for College Algebra or Statistics. I LOVE my job, and I LOVE my students. BUT teaching them is just part of the bigger reason why I’m there. Sure, like I stated before, it is an outlet for me, but I’m at that college for a specific purpose…a distinct mission.

School supplies
God sent me to this school to be an adjunct (part-time) math instructor on a mission to help the people at this school, be supportive and bring light into the environment. When I go to work each day with that mission on my mind, it’s impossible to be caught up in what is going on around me. It can be easy as teachers to get sucked into complaining about too many hours and not enough pay, too many students and not enough room, or not enough students and no way out. While my mind might slip into that mentality, I am reminded that my purpose for being there is not to make money, change school politics or protest things I disagree with…my purpose is to be light. Every other worry falls to the wayside when I’m reminded that God sent me there for a reason. All my fears are cast aside when I realize how protected and loved I am. My anxiety disappears when my husband prays with me and God tells me how to approach a difficult situation. I am there to show love, uplift people, encourage, shed light and hopefully teach some math along the way.

At the state Capitol for a
teacher conference.
I feel so blessed to work at this school, and I love my coworkers and students. I pray every day that God would show me how to be a better teacher and a good employee. I want the people at my school to feel the Father’s love through my actions and words. I want them to know how important they are in God’s eyes and in mine. I want people to know that we have a good Father that is taking care of our every need. The only way I am able to carry this mission out is to be equipped with His love. I have to spend time in His presence to be a source of light and to have an unending wealth of love to pour out. I ask for wisdom daily and I read the word to wrap myself in His truth. If I forget to do these things, I pray and ask God for strength and peace to carry out what He’s asked of me.
Going to work each day with his mission on my mind is a lot easier than going to work for my own selfish reasons. Being focused on him and what he wants makes it impossible to worry about what’s going on in my world and how things might turn out. I’ve found that while I’m gazing at him, he takes care of all the things going on around me. The mission I was sent on is not about me; this mission is about what God wants to do for his people.


  1. Great message Jessie....If we remember that in everything we do, it makes annoying situations or stressful ones seem like they aren't really that big of a deal. God put us in these positions to help others :) Love it!

    1. You're so right!! And we LOVE helping others, so we might as well enjoy it no matter what. :) I love how he uses our strengths to make life fulfilling and to carry out what he wants.

  2. I'm so honored to have you as my wife. I like this part of your blog. Your life is so intentional and led of the Lord. I think it's a great thing that you are sharing this aspect with your readers. We all benefit from who God is in you.

    1. Wow! What a compliment. Thank you for saying so. I'm glad you like the new direction.


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