Driving down I-20, I couldn't help but notice how frustrated I was as I timed how long it took me to drive to my new job. I *get the privilege* of spending two days a week in a town 45 minutes from my home and all I felt was dread on the drive over there. Why would I feel dread when God led me here, gave me this opportunity and told me to find joy in the process? Because my heart wasn't on the same page as my mouth.
When I aligned my heart, God reminded me that I can play my audio books in my car. I started listening to my novels on the way to work and totally forgetting how long it took me to get there. I suddenly went from counting every minute of the commute and complaining every second to getting lost in a story and looking forward to hearing more on my way home. I can now focus on how much I enjoy my students, making new friends, and exploring my new workplace. My "yes" is a true yes now and I'll drive here as long as He wants me to. I'm so thankful for the path He put me on and the doors He's opened for me. I love being a "yes, Lord" person! I think you will like it too!
The car is parked during the making of this picture. |
When God gave me this opportunity, it came with the stipulation that I would have to commute twice a week. He asked me if I would be willing to do that and I said with my thoughts, "yes, Lord!" while my heart was saying, "I don't like this!" **insert stomping foot and pouting lip**
God set up this perfect job that I would thoroughly enjoy, not take up too much of my time in the ministry and allow me to reach more people. I took one small aspect that I didn't like about my new job (commuting) and let it overshadow all the good God had set up for me. I let one negative thing overtake all the positive things I like about my job. After about two weeks of a bad attitude, I realized my heart was confused. I needed to quickly align my heart with my words and enjoy the opportunity God gave me.
The thing about being a "yes, Lord!" person is that when God asks something of us, we are quick to obey and often times also quick to find fault with God's plan. We think of ways it could be better or more enjoyable instead of thanking God for what He's about to do through our "yes." Instead of being disgruntled about what we don't like, let's ask how that part can be more enjoyable. Let's ask Him to remind us of all the good things in His plan and to show us a glimpse of where He's taking us. Let's make our "yes" be a true "YES!" by not putting disclaimers on the end of it. Stop inserting "but..." or "if only..." and start inserting "thank you! You are so good!"
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