A fun part of my story! Free Cowboys tickets! |
Have you ever felt that sting of jealousy when you look at someone else? The sting of pain that happens when they have something you don't.You wonder why your life looks different and maybe even wonder what you did wrong. I feel this way sometimes when I look at people. I think, "they have 3 kids, she drives a new car, he has a bigger house, she's getting her master's degree, she's more creative than me..." I've been noticing that these thoughts lead to a dark place of depression and inferiority. Even though I know all about perspective and that people might look at my life the same way as I look at someone else's, I still can't help but compare myself.
My love story with Jarrod is so cool! |
God has been talking to me a lot about this lately. He's been telling me that just because my story is different, that doesn't mean that my story is inferior to another person's story. Each one of us has a UNIQUE story. And guess what? God WANTS us to have a unique story; He designed it that way for a reason. He doesn't want us to model our story after another person; He wants us to model our story after Jesus' story! He doesn't want us to be like someone else...He wants us to be like Jesus! We have got to stop trying to mold ourselves into who we think looks better. Our mold should be shaped like Jesus! Jesus never worried about his house or what his friends were doing. Jesus didn't worry about being 30 and not married, without kids. Jesus didn't worry about eating at Texas De Brazil and taking selfies with his pumpkin spice latte (HAHA!! Can you imagine?) Jesus only concerned himself with doing what the Father said to do. Jesus only did what the Father instructed. He didn't busy his mind with worthless thoughts that led to emotional destruction; he busied his thoughts with conversations with his Dad.
I love God's plan for our marriage! |
I'm starting to become excited about the fact that God made a unique story for me...that He cares so much about me that He individualized my plan. I'm ready to get on board with His story for me rather than getting on board with someone else's story. I'm ready to busy my thoughts with conversations with Him. I'm ready for the anticipation of turning that page to see what comes next. My story is not boring! My story is not inferior! My story is a cliffhanger, and so is yours.
Please join me in my journey to figure out my story. Let's ask God each day what He has for us and how to get there. Let's ask Him what He wants for our lives and come into obedience to His will. I just know it'll be worth the ride.
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