What I’ve realized is that I DO indeed have a lot to be thankful for! While I don’t have EVERYTHING I’ve asked for, I certainly have everything I need and so much more. As I look over the course of my life, it’s easy for me to see how well taken care of I am by God, my family, my friends and my husband. I often times take the things that are part of my “normal” for granted. For example, electricity!
A couple weeks ago, the county I live in had an ice storm that caused trees to snap and power lines to fall to the ground. With the power lines went the internet and the cell phone towers also froze over. My whole world crashed! I knew I relied on these things pretty heavily, but I didn’t know how much until it was all gone.
The loss of power, cell service and internet was a reboot I desperately needed. I can now see how blessed I am to wake up and turn the heater on because I’m cold, call my husband because I need help, and cook dinner every night because I’m hungry. I’m thankful for the job that I truly enjoy and the income it provides us to buy the things we need. I’m happy that I get to be around people I love everyday.
I don’t think it has to take a major catastrophe like the one I had for us to reboot our systems. If you need a reboot, ask God to remind you of all the good things in your life. Let the reminders flood in and change your perspective. Trust me; you’ll like it.
Psalm 31:19 - "Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you, in the sight of the children of mankind!"
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