The text message from Jarrod said, “Can you call me?” which usually means something is going on. I immediately called him and asked what was going on. He replied with anxiety that he was in the parking lot of the gym, dressed ready to work out and he couldn't bring himself to get out of the truck. He was freaking out and talking about the dread he felt about working out with a bunch of young, in-the-best-shape-of-their-lives adults. I answered with something to the effect of, “what’s wrong with you? Just get out of the truck and go get our money’s worth.” He continued to flip out and I answered in the only way I know how to deal with anxiety and say, “Jarrod, just say the name.” He waited a few beats, warring with himself over the choice and resolved to run to the only one who can fix this crisis and says, “Jesus.” In that one word, that one name, we both felt the atmosphere change and his countenance switched over to his true self. He thanked me, got off the phone, ran his little heart out at the gym and prayed for the people there.
Our call in
life is Jesus (Ephesians 4:1). To be like him and to seek him in your life is a
choice you can make. He is bigger than each of us and is the answer to
everything. Under his authority, as part of the Holy Trinity, you are gifted
with the opportunity to contribute life and light as part of the body of
Christ. As a contributor, you act through love as a humble, gentle, patient,
peaceful member of the family (Ephesians 4:2) with the inheritance of specialgifts that are practiced, but not limited to:
- apostles (fathers),
- prophets (revealers),
- evangelists (preach to non-believers),
- shepherd or pastor (oversee the flock of God), and
- teachers (inform and create understanding) (Ephesians 4:11).
You call,
your gifting, in life will come naturally but not easily. There will be
obstacles in your way to hinder you from answering the call. Excuses and
distractions will pop up to keep you away from living in the fullness of who
God created you to be. Come under the authority of those God puts above you, push
forward to serve your purpose and be a contributing part of the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:16).
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